women@ facebook | women's leadership day
december 2019 | ICC, dublin, ireland
The theme for my second year of the Women@ Leadership Day / Diversity Day 2019 was 'Belong'. The concept focused on this with a brand identity of organic shapes. It evolved to focus on the coming together and moving together of individuals to focus on a common goal: 'As birds murmur, fish shoal and insects sharm, humans also seek an organic sense of belonging. The rustle of thousands of wings coming together, learning together and moving forwards is what Diversity Day is all about'.
The day was celebratory, positive and forward thinking with the full guest journey designed to focus on belonging. It was also briefed to have far more focus on the digital and sustainability than previous years. After being welcomed, guests were to enjoy multiple features and activations from the diversity groups within Facebook; motivating photo opps with their team members from Pride@ and Black@ communities, a Women@ exhibition, Henna artists with Desis@, a chance to make their own swag with Facebook's own Analogue Lab and a moment to call out their greatest
champions. A small marketplace for Choose Love Charity merchandise, diversity authors and other local makers was a particular hit.
With great food, curated to represent all communities and over 1000 wooden stools over 5 floors, guests were invited to 'take a seat', find their spot and start a community conversation. This idea of allowing everyone to find their own place with old or new friends and communities really was an organic moment of belonging and community.